18. Built In Functions

Gazprea has some built in functions. These built in functions may have some special behaviour that normal functions can not have, for instance many of them will work on vectors of any element type. Normally a function must specify the element type of a vector specified.

The name of built in functions are reserved and a user program cannot define a function or a procedure with the same name as a built in function. If a declaration or a definition with the same name as a built-in function is encountered in a Gazprea program, then the compiler should issue an error message.

18.1. Length

length takes a vector of any element type, and returns an integer representing the length of the vector.

integer[*] v = 1..5;

length(v) -> std_output; /* Prints 5 */

Empty vector literals cannot be passed to length.

length([]) -> std_output; // Illegal

integer[*] empty = [];
length(empty) -> std_output; // Legal

18.2. Rows and Columns

The built-ins rows and columns operate on matrices of any dimension and type. rows returns the number of rows in a matrix, and columns returns the number of columns in the matrix.

integer[*, *] M = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];

rows(M) -> std_output; /* Prints 2 */
columns(M) -> std_output; /* Prints 3 */

18.3. Reverse

The reverse built-in takes any vector, and returns a reversed version of the vector.

integer[*] v = 1..5;
integer[*] w = reverse(v);

v -> std_output; /* Prints 12345 */
w -> std_output; /* Prints 54321 */

18.4. Format

The format built-in takes any scalar as input and returns a string containing the formatted value of the scalar.

integer i = 24;
real r = 2.4;

"i = " || format(i) || ", r = " || format(r) || '\n' -> std_output;
// Prints: "i = 24, r = 2.4\n"

Note that format will have to allocate space to hold the return string. You will have to figure out how to manage the memory so it is reclaimed eventually.

18.5. Stream State

When reading values of certain types from std_input it is possible that an error is encountered, or that the end of the stream has been encountered. In order to handle these situations Gazprea provides a built in procedure that is implicitly defined in every file:

procedure stream_state(var input_stream) returns integer;

This function can only be called with the std_input as a parameter, but it’s general enough that it could be used if the language were expanded to include multiple input streams.

When called, stream_state will return an integer value. The return value is an error code defined as follows:

  • 0: Last read from the stream was successful

  • 1: Last read from the stream encountered an error.

  • 2: Last read from the stream encountered the end of the stream.

boolean b;
integer i;

// Input stream: 9
b <- std_input;              // b = false (error reading boolean)
i = stream_state(std_input); // i = 1     (last read was error)
i <- std_input;              // i = 9     (successfully read integer)
i = stream_state(std_input); // i = 0     (last read was success)
b <- std_input;              // b = false (read end of stream)
i = stream_state(std_input); // i = 2     (last read was end of stream)

The input stream is described in more detail in the input stream section.