14. Statements

14.1. Assignment Statements

In Gazprea a variable may have different values throughout the execution of the program. Variables may have their values changed with an assignment statement. In the simplest case an assignment statement contains an identifier on the left hand side of an equals sign, and an expression with a compatible type on the right hand side.

integer x = 7;

x -> std_output;  /* Prints 7 */

/* Give 'x' a new value */
x = 2 * 3;  /* This is an assignment statement */

x -> std_output;  /* Prints 6 */

Type checking must be performed on assignment statements. The expression on the right hand side must have a type that can be automatically promoted to the type of the variable. For instance:

integer int_var = 7;
real real_var = 0.0;
boolean bool_var = true;

/* Since 'x' is an integer it can be promoted to a real number */
real_var = int_var;  /* Legal */

/* Real numbers can not be turned into boolean values automatically. */
bool_var = real_var; /* Illegal */

Assignments can also be more complicated than this with vectors, matrices, and tuples. With matrices and vectors indices may be provided in order to change the value of a matrix or vector element. In Gazprea, vectors and matrices cannot be indexed with vector expressions. For instance, with vectors:

integer[*] v = [0, 0, 0];

/* Can assign an entire vector value -- change 'v' to [1, 2, 3] */
v = [1, 2, 3];

/* Change 'v' to [1, 0, 3] */
v[2] = 0;

Matrices can be treated similarly.

integer[*, *] M = [[1, 1], [1, 1]];

/* Change the entire matrix M to [[1, 2], [3, 4]] */
M = [[1, 2], [3, 4]];

/* Change a single position of M */
M[1, 2] = 7;  /* M is now [[1, 7], [3, 4]] */

Tuples also have a special unpacking syntax in Gazprea. A tuple’s field may be assigned to comma separated variables instead of a tuple variable. For instance:

integer x = 0;
real y = 0;
real z = 0;

tuple(integer, real) tup = (1, 2.0);

/* x == 1, and y == 2.0 now */
x, y = tup;

/* Types can be promoted */

/* z == 1.0, y == 2.0 */
z, y = tup;

/* Can swap: z == 2.0, y == 1.0 */
z, y = (y, z);

The types of the variables must match the types of the tuple’s fields, or the tuple’s fields must be able to be automatically promoted to the variable’s type. The number of variables in the comma separated list must match the number of fields in the tuple, if this is not the case an error should be raised. This assignment is performed left-to-right.

Assignments and initializations must perform a deep copy. It should not be possible to cause the aliasing of memory locations with an assignment. For instance:

integer[*] v = [1, 2, 3];
integer[*] w = v;

w[2] = 0;  /* This must not affect 'v' */

/* v has the value [1, 2, 3] */
/* w has the value [1, 0, 3] */

/* If you are not careful, you might copy the pointer of 'v' to 'w',
   which would cause them to be stored in the same location in memory. If
   this happens modifying 'w' would change 'v' as well.

The above is a simple example using vectors. You must ensure that values can not be aliased with an assignment between any types, including vectors, matrices, and tuples.

Variables may be declared as const, and in this case it is illegal for them to appear on the left hand side of an assignment expression. The compiler should raise on error when this is detected, since it does not make sense to change a constant value.

The right hand side of an assignment statement is always evaluated before the left hand side. This is important for cases where procedures may change variables, for instance:

v[x] = p(x);
/* If p changes x then it is important that p(x) is executed before v[x] */

14.2. Block Statements

A list of statements may be grouped into one statement using curly braces. This is called a block statement, and is similar to block statements in other languages such as C/C++. As an example:

  x = 3;
  z = 4;
  x -> std_output; "\n" -> std_output; z -> std_output; "\n" -> std_output;

Is a block statement. Declarations can only appear at the start of a block. Each block statement introduces a new scope that new variables may be declared in. For instance this is perfectly valid:

integer x = 3;
integer y = 0;
real z = 0;

  real x = 7.1;
  z = x;

y = x;

After execution this y = 3 and z = 7.1.

14.3. If/Else Statements

An if statement takes a boolean value as a conditional expression, and a statement for the body. If the conditional expression evaluates to true, then the body is executed. If the conditional expression evaluates to false then the body of the if statement is not executed. If statements in Gazprea require the conditional expression to be enclosed in parentheses.

integer x = 0;
integer y = 0;

/* Compute some value for x */

if (x == 3) {
   y = 7;

/* At this point y will only be 7 if x == 3, and otherwise y will be
   0, assuming it did not change throughout the rest of the program.

If statements are often paired with block statements, like in the above example. The if statement above could also be written as:

if (x == 3)
  y = 7;

Since y = 7; is a statement it can be used as the body statement. All statements after this point are not in the body of the if statement. For instance:

if (x == 3)
  y = 7;
  z = 32;

is actually equivalent to the following:

if (x == 4) {
  y = 7;

z = 32;

Gazprea is not sensitive to whitespace, so we could even write something like:

if (x == 3) y = 7;

An if statement may also be followed by an else statement. The else has a body statement just like the if statement, but this is only run if the conditional expression on the if statement fails.

if (x == 3)
  y = 7;
  y = 32;

Now if x does not have a value of 3, y is assigned a value of 32. This can be paired with if statements as well.

y = 0;

if (x < 0) {
  y = -1;
else if (x > 0) {
  y = 1;

/* y is negative if x is negative, positive if x is positive,
  and 0 if x is 0. */

14.4. Loop

14.4.1. Infinite Loop

Gazprea provides an infinite loop, which continuously executes the body statement given to it. For instance:

loop "hello!\n" -> std_output;

Would print “hello!” indefinitely. This is often used with block statements.

/* Infinite counter */
integer n = 0;

loop {
  n -> std_output; "\n" -> std_output;
  n = n + 1;

14.4.2. Predicated Loop

A loop may also be provided with a control expression. The control expression automatically breaks from the loop if it evaluates to false when it is checked.

The loop can be pre-predicated, which means that the control expression is tested before the body statement is executed. This is the same behaviour as while loops in most languages, and is written using the while token after the loop, followed by a boolean expression for the predicate. For example:

integer x = 0;

/* Print 1 to 10 */
loop while (x < 10) {
  x = x + 1;
  x -> std_output; "\n" -> std_output;

A post-predicated loop is also available. In this case the control expression is tested after the body statement is executed. This also uses the while token followed by the control expression, but it appears at the end of the loop. Post Predicated loop statements must end in a semicolon.

integer x = 10;

/* Since the conditional is tested after the execution '10' is printed */
loop x -> std_output; while (x == 0);

14.4.3. Iterator Loop

Loops can be used to iterate over the elements of a vector of any type. This is done by using domain expressions (for instance i in v) in conjunction with a loop statement.

When the domain is given by a vector, each time the loop is executed the next element of the vector is assigned to the domain variable. The elements of the domain vector are assigned to the domain variable starting from index 1, and going up to the final element of the vector. When all of the elements of the domain vector have been used the loop automatically exits. For instance:

/* This will print 123 */
loop i in [1, 2, 3] {
  i -> std_output;

Vector ranges can also be used instead:

/* This will print 123 */
loop i in 1..3 {
  i -> std_output;

The domain is evaluated once during the first iteration of the loop. For instance:

integer[\*] v = [i in 1..3 | i];

/* Since the domain 'v' is only evaluated once this loop prints 1, 2,
   and then 3 even though after the first iteration 'v' is the zero
   vector. */
loop i in v {
  v = 0;
  i -> std_output; "\n" -> std_output;

Multiple domain expressions may be used by separating them with commas.

loop i in u, j in v {
  "Hello!\n" -> std_output;

/* The above loop is equivalent to the loop below */

loop i in u {
  loop j in v {
    "Hello!\n" -> std_output;

This can be done with as many domain expressions as desired.

14.5. Break

A break statement may only appear within the body of a loop. When a break statement is executed the loop is exited, and Gazprea continues to execute after the loop. This only exits the innermost loop, which actually contains the break.

/* Prints a 3x3 square of *'s */
integer x = 0;
integer y = 0;

loop while (y < 3) {
  y = y + 1;

  /* Normally this would loop forever, but the break exits this inner loop */
  loop {
    if (x >= 3) break;

    x = x + 1;
    "*" -> std_output;

  "\n" -> std_output;

If a break statement is not contained within a loop an error must be raised.

14.6. Continue

Similarly to break, continue may only appear within the body of a loop. When a continue statement is executed the innermost loop that contains the continue statements starts its next iteration. continue stops the execution of the loop’s body statement, the loop then continues as though the body statement finished its execution normally.

/* Prints every number between 1 and 10, except for 7 */
integer x = 0;

loop while (x < 10) {
  x = x + 1;

  if (x == 7) continue;  /* Start at the beginning of the loop, skip 7 */

  x -> std_output; "\n" -> std_output;

14.7. Return

The return statement is used to stop the execution of a function or procedure. When a function/procedure returns then execution continues where the function/procedure was called.

If the function/procedure has a return type then the return statement must be given a value that is the same as or able to be promoted to (see Type Promotion) the return type; this will be the result of the function/procedure call. Here is an example:

function square(integer x) returns integer {
  return x * x;

If a procedure has no returns clause, then it has no return type and a return statement is not required but may still be present in order to return early. In this case return is used as follows:

procedure do_nothing() {

14.8. Stream Statements

Stream statements are the statements used to read and write values in Gazprea.

Output example:

2 * 3 -> std_output;  /* Prints 6 */

Input example:

integer x = null;
x <- std_input; /* Read an integer into x */