12. Streams

Gazprea has two streams: std_output and std_input, which are used for writting to stdout and reading from stdin respectively.

12.1. Output Stream

Output streams use the following syntax:

<exp> -> std_output;

12.1.1. Output Format

Values of the following base types are treated as follows when sent to an output stream:

  • Character: The character is printed.

  • Integer: Converted to a string representation, and then printed.

  • Real: Converted to a string representation, and then printed. This is the same behaviour as the %g specifier in printf.

  • Boolean: Prints T for true, and F for false.

Vectors print their contents according to the rules above, with square braces surrounding its elements and with spaces only between values. For example:

integer[*] v = 1..3;
v -> std_output;

prints the following:

[1 2 3]

Strings print their contents as a contiguous sequence of characters. For example:

string str = "Hello, World!";
str -> std_output;

prints the following:

Hello, World!

Matrices print like a vector of vectors. For example:

[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] -> std_output;

prints the following:

[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]]

No other type may be sent to a stream. For instance functions, procedures, and tuples cannot be sent to streams.

Note that there is no automatic new line or spaces printed. To print a new line, a user must explicitly print the new line or space character. For example:

'\n' -> std_output;
' ' -> std_output;

12.1.2. Null and Identity

If null or identity is sent to a stream then the result is a null or identity character being printed.

12.2. Input Stream

Input streams use the following syntax:

<l-value> <- std_input;

An l-value may be anything that can appear on the left hand side of an assignment statement. Consider reading the discussion of an l-value here.

Input streams may only work on the following base types:

  • character: Reads a single character from stdin. Note that there can be no error state for reading characters.

  • integer: Reads an integer from stdin. If an integer could not be read, an error state is set on this stream.

  • real: Reads a real from stdin. If a real could not be read, an error state is set on this stream.

  • boolean: Reads a boolean from stdin. If a boolean value could not be read, an error state is set on this stream.

12.2.1. Input Format

Whitespace will separate values in stdin, but take note that a whitespace character can also be read from stdin and assigned to a character variable.

A character from stdin is the first byte that can be read from the stream. If the end of the stream is encountered, then -1 is returned.

An integer from stdin can take any legal format described in the integer literal section. It may also be proceeded by a single negative or positive sign.

A real input from stdin can take any legal format described in the real literal section with the exception that no whitespace may be present. It may also be proceeded by a single negative or positive sign.

A boolean input from stdin is either T or F.

When reading a value, if any other input were to be in the stream during the read then an error state is set. For example, the following program:

boolean b;
b <- std_input;

With the standard input stream containing this:


An error state would be set on the stream.

Type promotion is not performed for stream input.

12.2.2. Error Handling

When reading boolean, integer, and real from stdin, it is possible that the end of the stream or an error is encountered. In order to handle these situations Gazprea provides a built in procedure that is implicitly defined in every file: stream_state (see Stream State).

Reading a character can never cause an error. The character will either be successfully read or the end of the stream will be reached and -1 will be returned on this read.

Otherwise, when an error or the end of the stream is encountered, the value returned is the type-appropriate null.

Only when an error is encountered, the stream must be rewound to where it was when the read started. This rewind includes any whitespace that may have been skipped to in order to encounter the next token. This is because the subsequent read may be for a character which should successfully read the rewound whitespace. For example, with this program:

integer i;
character c;
i <- std_input;
i <- std_input;
c <- std_input;

i -> std_output;
c -> std_output;
'$' -> std_output;

and the input stream (with * representing ' '):


the output should be:

0 $

and the remaining input stream should be:


Because this means you may have to skip a potentially nearly-infinite amount of whitespace, this specification limits the size of the “rewind buffer” to 1024 characters. Therefore, no read from std_input will require more than 1KB of characters from the current stream position to the end of the next token. This means that you will only ever need to maintain at most 1024 characters in a buffer (1025 if a '\0' character is required).

Valid input that reaches the buffer end can be assumed to complete at that point and remain valid.

This table summarizes an input stream’s possible error states after a read of a particular data type.









end of stream







end of stream







end of stream







end of stream
